Hi everyone,
Now that August is here, we are getting ready for the first Temple talk of the second cycle.
After having reviewed all the contributions from the last Temple meeting, we have decided to make a few changes. These especially relate to the Hebrews lectures. I have had a conversation with Irene and asked if she would like to manifest her vision of the way she saw Hebrews being shared with the priests as a whole, so we will hold off on continuing these lectures for the moment.
Also, rather than numbering the topics for the second Sunday in the month as Hebrews 1, Hebrews 2 and so on, to avoid confusion with the Temple meeting numbering, we will call the topic presented on the second Sunday, the monthly reading material. So this is "August Reading".
Reading Task for August
Read the whole Book of Revelation.
Don't try and read the Revelation as a sacred text. Don’t ponder every word, or the meaning of the text. Mario advised us to read the Bible as a novel, or a letter, and let the text “wash over us”.
When you have finished, come up with a word, a phrase or an image that represents your experience of the Book. We did this often in Wyse Art - and saw wonderful inspirations!
We hope to give everyone a chance to share briefly at the commencement of The Temple Meeting on Sunday, 27th August.
Much love
JR & Melody